mai 2017

Le secret de la prospérité financière est d'avoir un état d'esprit riche et être prêt à travailler pour elle. La plupart des gens s'attendent à ce que le succès arrive, ce qu'ils ne réalisent pas est que le succès vient à ceux qui sont arrivés. Ce qui signifie que vous devez travailler plus dur et d’une façon beaucoup plus intelligente.

Comment pense les gens aisés ?

Il est de notoriété publique dans le monde des affaires en général que les 5% (les plus riches) ont une mentalité différente pour les 95% restants de la population. Ceci est souvent désigné comme la mentalité riche, qui se réfère essentiellement au fait que les gens aisés pensent et agissent différemment de la population générale. Le tableau suivant résume certaines des principales différences et contribue pour vous guider à comment vous pouvez vous aussi avoir une mentalité riche.

Le tableau suivant a été publié dans un livre écrit par Virend Singh, directeur de diamant et qui a très bien réussi dans une entreprise de marketing de réseau bien connu qui enseigne le concept de l' état d'esprit de riche. Il contribue à mettre en lumière certaines de différences cognitives communes entre les capitalistes et les pauvres.

Apprenez à penser et agir comme les personnes fortunés

La mentalité du riche
L'état d’esprit du pauvre
Avoir une mentalité de gratification différée, se contenter de la douleur à court terme pour un gain à long terme.
Avoir une mentalité de gratification immédiate de s'installer pour un gain à court terme de la douleur à long terme.
Un état d'esprit riche est prêt à prendre des risques avec la compréhension que l'échec / perdre fait partie du processus de gagner. Par conséquent, ils sont les premiers adaptateurs, profitant d'une nouvelle opportunité avant les autres et à réaliser son potentiel.
La population en général éviter tout risque en raison de la peur de l'échec ou de la perte. Ils attendent de voir ce que tout le monde fait, puis faire la même chose? date à laquelle il est trop tard pour capitaliser sur une nouvelle opportunité.
Avoir une attitude positive, en utilisant un langage comme:
  • "Si d'autres peuvent le faire, moi aussi je peux"
  • "Je prends le temps."
  • " S’y s’en vaut la peine sur long terme?"
Avoir une attitude négative, en utilisant un langage comme:
  • «Je peux? C’est trop dur."
  • «Je n’ai pas le temps."
  • «Je ne peux pas me le permettre? C’est trop cher."
 Ils sont prompts à décider et à changer leur état d’esprits. Ils savent que leurs destins sont façonnés dans leurs moments de décision. L'indécision mène à l'action qui, à son tour, conduit à des résultats défavorables.
Sont indécis - ils sont lents à décider et rapide de changer d'avis parce que, une fois qu'ils ont décidé, ils commencent à s'inquiéter s'ils ont pris la bonne décision. La peur, l'incertitude et le doute sont inhérents à leur personnalité
Rechercher des occasions. Ils veulent développer, réaliser et Excelle. Ils font ce que la majorité n’est pas disposée (non pas, simplement ne veut pas) faire. Ils se rendent compte que les gens qui jouent la sécurité manquent continuellement des occasions et font rarement des progrès.
Rechercher la sécurité. Ils désirent un coffre-fort sécurisé profession / emploi, mais une chose est pratiquement inexistante aujourd'hui, et même s'il l'était, il ne fournit qu'une faible chance d'atteindre l'indépendance financière.
Prendre la responsabilité de leur situation. Ils savent que «lorsque vous choisissez le comportement, vous choisissez les circonstances». Par conséquent, ils créent leur propre situation en choisissant les actions qui soutiennent leurs objectifs. L'attitude de l'état d'esprit est riche?
Ne prennent pas toujours la responsabilité de leurs circonstances. Comme ils voudraient qu'ils soient, ils essaient parfois de justifier leur situation. Certains vont même jusqu'à blâmer les autres? le gouvernement, leur employeur, leurs enseignants, les parents / enfants, etc
Ceux qui ont une mentalité riches, ils font tout pour que cela se produise. Ils savent que le succès doit être provoqué. Ils ont des plans. Ils peuvent vous dire où ils vont et comment ils vont y arriver.
La population en général attend que cela se produise un jour peut-être. Beaucoup n'ont pas de plans précis pour l'avenir ou qu'ils n’y réfléchissent pas? Faire exécuter leurs plans par une autre personne?
Comprendre et appliquer la loi de «cause à effet»? ce que vous semez, vous le récolterez. Ils savent qu'ils doivent donner pour recevoir - par exemple, il faut donner du respect pour qu'ils reçoivent en retour le respect. Il faut donner de la valeur pour recevoir la valeur.
Ils s'attendent à recevoir la valeur avant de pouvoir donner de la valeur.
S'occuper de leurs propres affaires. Ils construisent des entreprises et utilisent la puissance de la capitalisation / levier pour gagner un revenu résiduel.
Ils travaillent dur pour quelqu'un d'autre avec des négociations pour quelques euros en gagnant un revenu linéaire.
Voir avec leur esprit ce que d'autres manquent à leurs yeux, d'où la reconnaissance du potentiel où d'autres don.
Voir seulement avec leurs yeux, souvent manque des occasions pour améliorer leurs conditions de vie.
Avoir un sentiment d'urgence. Tous les gens qui réussissent sont entraînés par sentiment d'urgence pour produire des résultats.
Ils ont tendance à tergiverser. Ils attendent que toutes les conditions soient réunies avant d'agir.
Avoir le sens de l'équipe et un but commun. Ils croient en synergie? combinant et en partageant l'effort de travail.
Ils font tous eux-mêmes et n’obtiennent pas souvent les grands résultats qu'ils aspirent.
Persister jusqu'à ce qu'ils réussissent. Comme un enfant qui apprend à marcher, à chaque fois qu'ils tombent, ils se relèvent rapidement et continue à essayer jusqu'à ce qu'ils obtiennent ce droit.
Quitte au premier signe de défaite. Dès qu'ils rencontrent un revers, ils abandonnent. Ils disent c’est trop dur, ça fait trop mal. J'abandonne !
Ils sont axés sur les résultats et effectue des activités qui produisent les résultats qu'ils désirent, résultant une qualité de vie élevée. Ils planifient leur travail, puis exécutent ce plan.
Ils ont l'activité orientée, confondant étant trop occupé avec le progrès. Ils sont tellement occupés à être occupé, qu'ils perdent de vue ce qu'ils essaient d'accomplir.
Avoir plus d'argent à la fin du mois, c'est à dire qu'ils ont de l'argent qui reste à la fin du mois, qu'ils peuvent investir ou dépenser comme ils le souhaitent.
Ils vivent de paie à l'échec. Plus souvent  leur argent s'épuise avant la fin du mois.
Concentrez sur une qualité de vie?. Ils prendront leur retraite dans le confort, le maintien de leur niveau de vie et généralement profiter de plus de temps libre et une meilleure santé que la moyenne.
Certains vont travailler toute leur vie. La majorité se trouve avec leur niveau de vie qui chute de 40-75%. Quand ils prennent leur retraite, ils auront du mal à joindre les deux bouts, en fonction du bien-être ou la bonne volonté des autres pour leur existence.

Avez-vous l'état d'esprit riche ?

Êtes-vous prêt à changer votre mentalité de sorte que dans les années à venir vous devenez l'un des tops 5%? 
Si c'est le cas, c'est maintenant le temps d'agir. Avoir une mentalité riche est une chose, s'en servir est une autre. Contactez la personne qui vous présente une opportunité à travers le marketing de réseau et demandez-lui comment vous pouvez passer à l'étape suivante.

Email List Building: 6 Tips to Convert Visitors to Subscribers

Email list building is an important part of your inbound marketing effort. Even with all of the new marketing channels, the importance of building a quality list of interested subscribers is as strong as ever. In fact, according to Smart Insights State of Email Marketing Infographic, over 50% of marketers rate email marketing more effective than other marketing channels.

Email Marketing Effectiveness

Email list building, however, is just the beginning of the inbound marketing process. As a reminder, the inbound marketing process includes:

Attract – create great content that drives traffic to your website
Convert – get these visitors to become a known lead
Nurture – build a relationship with the lead that turns them into customers
Delight – continue to provide value to your customers to turn them into fans
What are some effective email list building techniques?

Make your signup form easy to find and fill out

It’s hard to believe that there are still websites that have signup forms that are hard to find. Visitors who don’t see your form and offer can’t convert. Be sure to display your form prominently on your website:

At the top of the sidebar
In the navigation bar
In your footer
In a pop up or feature box
In a bar at the top of your page
At the end of a blog post
Now make the form easy to fill out. The important piece of data is the email address. If you’re trying to build an opt-in email list, you really only need the email address. If you want to personalize your emails, ask for their first name. But don’t ask for what you don’t need. Less is more in email list building tactics.

Use a strong call-to-action and a compelling lead magnet

You may have the best content in your blog, but most people won’t sign up for your email list unless you ask them to. Give people a reason to sign up. An eye-catching call to action that elicits an immediate response such as watch a video demo, download a useful tool or join our challenge.

Couple that with a compelling lead magnet that provides something of value to a prospect in exchange for their contact information.

When these two work together, you will encourage visitors to opt-in to your email list and give you permission to send them more useful content.

Offer content upgrades

Content upgrades are highly targeted content offerings aligned with specific blog posts. These lead magnets work because they are not generic email lead magnets but are additional incentives for signing up for your list.

The reason these offers convert at a higher rate than your evergreen lead magnet is that they are specific to what the reader is already consuming. Content upgrades can be:

Templates and worksheets
Lists of tools and resources
PDF of the post (for long form articles)
Webinar replays
Swipe files
Transcripts (especially if you have a podcast or video)
Quick start guides
Content upgrades take lead magnets a step further by offering timely, relevant content to what the reader is already researching. If this is something you want to implement, be sure to understand the technical details required to successfully deliver the content upgrades to your subscribers.

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Set up a landing page to capture leads

If you are running a marketing campaign to drive visitors to your website with the specific goal to capture leads, you must use a landing page. A landing page should be aligned with your offer to reinforce your message and dramatically increase your conversion rate.

Using a landing page keeps your visitor focused on what you want them to do. If they land on a regular webpage, there are too many distractions that can interrupt the process and cause the visitor to leave without converting.

A landing page also provides more accurate data because they are only visible to those who click on the link from your campaign. If you land your lead generation campaign on a regular webpage, the analytics data is intermingled with regular website traffic.

The bottom line with lead generation campaigns: keep it simple, don’t make people think, and guide your visitor through the action you want them to take.

Create something people want to sign up for

There are many ways to re-purpose your content into formats that can generate qualified leads.

Turn your content into a course delivered through an email series. The content can be text, audio or video, whichever is easiest for you to create. Taking content you have already created and rearranging it into an educational series can build your email list quickly.
Take this same content and turn it into a webinar. Record the webinar and then offer it as a lead magnet.
Create a challenge. Turn your skill into guided experience that helps people get to a specific end result. Challenges can be anything you can guide people through in a short period of time such as “Create your own WordPress website in 7 days”, “Take the 30 day fitness challenge” or “Write your book in 8 weeks”.
You get the idea. Break your expertise down into a step-by-step process that can be completed quickly. Challenges create a very targeted, high quality list of people who now know what you do.

Use Facebook to get more subscribers

There are several ways you can use Facebook to grow your email list:

Add your sign up form to your landing tab on your Facebook Page to encourage new fans to sign up.
Set your Facebook Page call-to-action button to sign up and send the visitors to a landing page.
Add regular posts to your Facebook Page with your opt-in offer. Use an image of your offer in the post to get attention and encourage people to click on the post.
Run Facebook ads to drive people to your landing page to sign up for your list. You can target people who have liked competitor’s Facebook Pages or other businesses that reach your target audience. These people are more likely to want your lead magnet.
Depending on your business and the reason for you to grow your email list, you can use organic tactics or increase your list quickly through Facebook advertising.

Email list building – an ongoing marketing activity

Email list building is an activity that small businesses should be doing regularly. It is the critical first step in your inbound marketing strategy. Be sure to not just drive traffic to your website, but to get people to sign up. Don’t waste time gaining traffic with no visible results.

Having an email list built on people who are interested in what you have to offer and have given you permission to send them information is a valuable asset for your business, but your work is still not done. Now that you have started to build your email list, you need a plan to provide valuable information to them and keep your business top of mind.

What other creative ideas do you have to build a quality email list for your business?

You probably have an image firmly planted in your mind of what network marketing (also known as direct sales or multilevel marketing) is all about--housewives buying and selling Tupperware while gossiping and eating finger sandwiches, or a high-pressure salesperson trying to convince you how easily you can become a millionaire if only you and your friends and their friends and so on would buy and sell vitamins with him.
Both of these images couldn't be further from the reality of network marketing. It's neither a hobby nor a get-rich-scheme but an opportunity for you to earn money running your own part- or full-time business.
But what does it take to succeed in this industry? Vincent J. Kellsey, director of member services for the Direct Selling Women's Alliance, an organization that provides a variety of resources to women and men in the direct-selling industry, offers these tips for making it:

Choose wisely. There are six key elements you should be looking for [when selecting an opportunity]. Number one: stability. How old is the company? Number two is excellent products or services that consumers will use and need more of.
Number three is the pay plan--how even and fair and generous overall is the distribution? This is really crucial as the pay plan represents exactly how you'll get paid--or not get paid. There are really only two questions to ask [regarding this]: How many pennies out of each sales dollar get paid back to the distributors each month, and how fair is the distribution of these pennies between the old members and the new members?
Number four is the integrity of the company and the management. As much as possible, [investigate] the experience of the CEO, [their] experience in the network marketing industry, and their background. [Have] they been successful in other companies in the industry? Do they have a good reputation?
Number five is momentum and timing. Look at where the company's at, what's going on with the company, and if it's growing.
Number six is support, training and business systems. You may have [chosen] a great company with excellent management, products that make a difference, a pay plan that's uniquely fair and very generous, and momentum and stability, but if you don't have a system in place that works, all of that [doesn't matter]. Most companies will have a transferable training system that they use, and that's where mentorship comes in.
Practice what they teach. [To succeed,] you need to be willing to listen and learn from mentors. The way this industry is structured, it's in the best interests of the [MLM veterans in your company] to help you succeed, so they're willing to teach you the system. Whatever [your mentor] did to become successful, it's very duplicatible, but you have to be willing to listen and be taught and follow those systems.
The higher-ups. It can be called various things, but the general term is the "upline," meaning the people above you. How supportive are they? Do they call you? Do they help you put a plan in place? Are they as committed to your success as they are to their own? You should be able to relate to [the people in your upline] and be able to call them at any time to say "I need some help." How much support there is from the people above you in the company is very important.
Take up the lead with your downline. There's a term in the network marketing industry called "orphans"--when somebody is brought in and then the person who brought them in is just so busy bringing in other people that they don't spend the time to teach and train [the new person]. You should be prepared to spend at least 30 days helping a new person come into the industry--training them, supporting them and holding their hand until they feel confident to be able to go off on their own. You really need to ask yourself, are you willing to do that? Are you able to do that? This is really about long-term relationship building. It's not about just bringing people into the business and just moving forward. It's about working with these people and helping them to develop relationships.
On the net. People are utilizing [the internet] as their main marketing tool. [You can set up your site] with autoresponders so when you capture leads, the autoresponder can follow up with that person. One of the greatest keys to success in this industry is follow-up. Many people will have someone call them who's interested or they'll call the person and say they're interested, but then they don't follow up with it. Automation on the internet has allowed a much more consistent method of following up.
The only drawback with the internet is people who utilize it to spam. If there was one thing I could put forward to say, "Do not do" when utilizing the internet as a marketing tool, it's spamming because that can give a very bad reputation not only to you but also to the company you're working with.
Taking care of business. This is a business, and just like if you were running a franchise or a storefront, you [should have an] accountant. You have all the same write-offs tax-wise that you have with running a [full-time] business, so it's very important to [do your research] prior to getting involved, before you start making money from it. How is that going to affect you tax-wise? What are your write-offs?
It's important to set up a [support] team around you. I'd suggest seeking out lawyers who deal in network marketing, so they're very versed in all the laws and how that affects [your business.]. There are also accountants who specialize in dealing with homebased businesses specifically in the direct-selling industry.
Don't quit your day job...yet. Never leave your full-time position unless you're absolutely certain that the income that's coming in with this company is going to be there. [Be sure that] you've been with the company [for awhile] and that you know it's a stable company, and the income that you're earning is equal to or greater than the income you're earning from your job before quitting.
